Lifestyle / Advice
July 25th, 2022

Time to enjoy a healthy summer

Cooking, mini-breaks, sunbathing, parties with friends; not forgetting rest, exercise, well-being, and balance. July and August are months when demands on your time clash with an eagerness to lie back and enjoy the sunshine. So how can you make space for some self care without locking yourself away from everything else? How can you enjoy spending time with your loved ones, and get some space for yourself? Here are our ideas on the best ways to have a beautiful summer, in every sense of the word!

Refocus on what you really need and take some time for yourself: when summer comes around everyone is determined to stick to their health plan. But towards the end, a feeling a guilt kicks in at having given in to a string of temptations without having struck that perfect balance.

Get ready to commit to summer beauty

To avoid regret, there’s just one thing to remember: make a plan for your summer. Set goals, decide on a schedule, draw up a list of the things you really want to do. But go easy on yourself: don’t cast your rules in stone and expect yourself to stick to them rigidly throughout your holiday. No, just decide on some general principles that will be useful reminders to look after your well-being when the summer whirlwind really gets going!

The concept of “holistic beauty” is the second key to summer wellness. It is not only about aesthetic beauty, but also about bringing together everything that contributes to striking a balance within the body. That includes skin care, of course, but also (and most importantly) lifestyle, exercise, diet, and more broadly, everything that helps you to feel good about yourself and others. Summer is the perfect time to begin this quest for complete beauty, both inside and out.

Body and face care tailored to the pace of summer

The quest begins with good cosmetics and a skincare routine that integrates sunshine and higher temperatures. Before starting out on your holiday, it might be a good idea to prepare your skin by exfoliating it in circular massaging movements, starting on the lower body and working upwards to the face. During your holiday, make sure you stay out of the sun during the hottest times of the day, and always protect your skin by regularly applying a high factor sun cream (50 for light to dark skins). For extra protection, wear a hat or cap, and take shelter under a parasol.

For the rest, it’s easy to take some time out in the bathroom: start by cleansing the skin thoroughly, then moisturising with a cream rich in hyaluronic acid. Steer clear of oils that don’t fare well in sunlight, and if you can, finish by indulging in a self-administered skin massage. And don’t forget to slather on a good after-sun product later to recharge the skin with vitamin E and enzymes!

Seasonal nutrition and hydration

Drink, drink, and drink again: water of course! Two litres a day in the height of summer, and preferably at room temperature (because contrary to popular belief, ice-cold water forces the body to warm itself up to maintain the correct temperature).

Food-wise, go for seasonal fruit and vegetables. Nature is so smart that summer fruit and veg are naturally loaded with water: tomatoes, watermelons, melons, and so on. You should also look out for foods rich in beta-carotene. As well as tasting great, they have antioxidant properties that help the skin to protect itself from the sun. They’re easy to spot: they are usually orange (carrots, apricots, mangoes, pumpkins), red (peppers and tomatoes) or green (salads, spinach.). Of course, cold soups, mixed salads, grilled vegetables, fresh fish and white meat are always preferable to fatty barbecued meat, salty aperitifs and other summer cold cuts. And to make sure you’re not missing out, it’s always a good idea to get some help from food supplements high in vitamins C and E, antioxidants and beta-carotene.

A healthy lifestyle that is as respectful as possible of our body

Lifestyle covers an extremely broad category, starting with rest and sleep quality. It cannot be repeated often enough, but these two elements are essential to stay fit and happy. An eight-hour night, a short nap or a quiet moment after lunch are all highly recommended!

Another key point: physical exercise. Some people prefer walking (aiming for 8 to 10,000 steps, or 30 minutes a day); others prefer more intense exercise such as jogging, swimming or any other sport with a bit of cardio; others still prefer more meditative practices such as yoga. Summer might also be the ideal time to try something you’ve never had the time to have a go at before: hiking, mountain biking, kitesurfing, kayaking, paddling, horse riding, or any other activity that can be done alone or with others! The important thing is to start moving and avoid overdoing it (parties, alcohol, heavy meals, sun). The vitamin E in sunshine is good for your mood, and what would summer be without dancing, music, and a few drinks here and there?

To conclude, it is obvious that the summer holidays should first and foremost be an opportunity to have fun, to spend time making memories with loved ones. It’s important to make the most of that, no doubt about it. But summer should also be about taking a well-earned break, to reconnect with yourself, and only yourself. Reading, music, drawing, strolling, massages, baths, or any other form of self-care will be precious allies in rediscovering that inner glow that is too often neglected during the year, and yet so necessary to our beauty!

Must-haves for a truly invigorating summer

Non-exhaustive list, consume freely without moderation.

  • Take advantage of natural light at the best times: before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m.
  • Sleep well, get up early, and take an afternoon nap rather than sleeping late.
  • Drink regularly, between 1.5 and 2 litres of water each day, at room temperature.
  • Eat a healthy diet: fruit juices, salads, seasonal vegetables, home-cooked meals.
  • Load up on antioxidants: fruit and vegetables, fresh or dried berries (goji, blueberries, blackcurrants, etc.), sprouted seeds, green tea.
  • Cut down on sugar, coffee, soft drinks, cigarettes, and alcohol!
  • Take some time out for yourself: read, play or listen to music, draw, lie back and do nothing…
  • Keep moving, do regular exercise that keeps your heart rate up: walking, cycling, swimming, jogging, etc.
  • Do meditation and yoga if you can and if you enjoy it.
  • Tailor your skincare routine: apply sun cream and after sun, cleanse and moisturise your skin, wear less make-up, etc.
  • Treat yourself: go to a sauna, get a massage, walk barefoot in the sand or the morning dew.

And above all, enjoy life and appreciate the people you love most!

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