September 6th, 2022

TyLynn Nguyen

Fashion designer, model and influencer.

Life story

Can you introduce yourself in a few words?

TYLYNN NGUYEN. Hello! I am TyLynn Nguyen. I am a model, turned designer, turned creative consultant and content creator. I started sharing my life and my vision and my work has bloomed into what it is today! I like to focus on fashion, beauty, and interiors. But occasionally I will share my love of horseback riding and (the most important and precious thing to me) my family.

Is there a turning point in your life that made you the woman you are today?

T. N. It is a big development of lots of things but I was a full scholarship athlete in college and that pressure really helped to shape my focus and drive.

What is your greatest pride?

T. N. My family.

What is a typical day like for you?

T. N. Very busy. Kids, work, dinner, exercise, etc. I am A very active woman who enjoys a full life!

What is your current project?

T. N.. I am currently working on a project for women that will help them to keep focused on the bigger picture in their lives.

A leitmotif/mantra in life?


Beauty and well-being

How did you build your relationship with beauty/well-being?

T. N. I have always been told what I need to change, how I can be better. I have felt like I was never enough…never black enough…never white enough (I am a mixed woman in America where race is an obsessive thought and people like to categorize others for their own comfort) . Until one day I decided I will think for myself and be enough and radiate my desired life so that I can see my own beauty. We are all connected and our beauty really starts from our thoughts inside.

How do you take care of yourself today?

T. N. I am aware of the things I am feeding myself. Books, skincare, food, energy, etc. I am very sensitive so what goes into my body and soul is sacred to me.

What are your moments just for you?

T. N. My baths. No kids, a good book, a glass of red wine…and voila! Bliss!

What advice would you give to feel good about yourself?

T. N. You will never be anyone else. So enjoying and savoring this time in your life is crucial. You don’t like something? Change it. But do it for you and only you and maybe it’ll take you some time to figure out who you are but this is how you live yourself. To know yourself and trust yourself.

The beauty of the future in 3 words for you?

T. N. Precise, thoughtful, and intelligent.

Routines and skin care

What is your relationship with your skin?

T. N. I love my skin. It is healthy. It is beautiful and brown and sensual and glowing!

Has it evolved during your life?

T. N. I have learned that this is the skin I’m in so I need to honor and appreciate it every moment.

What is your daily routine?

T. N. I cleanse in the morning then moisturizer and spf. I cleanse In the evening by removing my makeup, using a cleanser, a face mask 2-3x a week, exfoliate 1x a week, then toner, retinol, moisturizer, and maybe a night oil for extra hydration if needed.

Any beauty tips you wish you had known when you were younger?

T. N. Keep it super simple!

Your must-haves: The product(s) you would take to a desert island?

T. N. Moisturizer and shampoo.

Your favorite myBlend product(s)?

T. N. The wash!

& finally

As a mother and entrepreneur with a busy schedule, what are some moments of care you keep for yourself?

T. N. Like above my both time. I really love my full life and bath time is a great time to just check in and enjoy myself.

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