December 5th 2022

Élise Chalmin

Élise Chalmin, creator of her eponymous clothing brand, made in Paris.

Life story

Could you introduce yourself in a few words?

ÉLISE CHALMIN. My name is Élise Chalmin, I’m almost 32, actually I will be 32 by the time you read this 😉 I am Parisian, optimistic and very messy. I am very spontaneous and “open” but I’m never on time 🙂

Is there a turning point in your life that made you the woman you are today?

E.C. Perhaps it’s a bit of a cliché but when my son was born I learnt to accept who I am. I’m very proud to be a mother, and I think I’m doing a pretty good job at it.

What is your greatest pride?

E.C. Creating my ready-to-wear brand. It’s an extension of myself, and I set it up on a shoestring. There are now seven of us working in the team. It’s not easy every day, but I’m proud that I have always had faith in my ideas and it’s wonderful to see us growing from one day to the next.

What is a typical day like for you?

E.C. My days are frenetic, and I don’t have much time for myself.

I get up at between 7 and 8 in the morning when my son wakes me up.
We have breakfast as a family. It’s a new ritual we started in early September. We take the time to eat a proper breakfast together and it’s really lovely.
After that I sometimes take my son to nursery then I go to the office. I often have meetings during the day with various people from my team, and I work on my projects. Sometimes I make myself nice lunches, and sometimes I get invited to events. It really depends on childcare and what I’ve got going on at work 🙂

What is your current project?

E.C. LOTS OF THEM! We have some great collabs lined up for 2023, and we also have some exciting personal plans, and plans with my partner, just the two of us.

A leitmotif/mantra in life?

E.C. Laugh, drink, eat well and dress well! That pretty much sums up the story I’m trying to write.

Beauty and well-being

How did you build your relationship with beauty/well-being?

E.C. I honestly don’t know how to answer that question, haha!

How do you take care of yourself today? What are your me-time moments?

E.C. Unfortunately I don’t take very good care of myself. I’m a live wire and I don’t have much time for self-care, and that applies to my physical and mental health.

I’m doing well for now, everything is going OK, but my New Year’s resolution will be to do at least an hour of yoga per week.

What advice would you give for people to feel good about themselves?

E.C. Accept who you are, listen to people who think you’re great, fun, and beautiful, and ignore everyone else. Trust the people who value you.

What’s your daily beauty habit for well-being?

E.C. I put moisturiser on my face 365 days a year, at least!

The beauty of the future in 3 words for you?

E.C. I think beauty today can be a bit tricky to follow, lots of people are having aesthetic procedures. Beauty criteria have changed in recent years and I think it’s a challenge for people who prefer to look natural.

Routines and skin care

What’s your relationship with your skin? Has that changed over time?

E.C. I felt very awkward about myself for many years, but now I feel good, and I’ve stopped listening to people who criticise how I look.

What is your daily routine?

E.C. I apply moisturiser and a touch of blush every day.

Any beauty tips you wish you had known when you were younger?

E.C. Drink lots of water, all the time. I still struggle with that.

Your must-haves: The product(s) you would take to a desert island?

E.C. The myBlend roller, a sunscreen (of course) and a moisturiser.

What are your favourite myBlend products?

E.C. The firmness roller, the LED mask, and the wrinkle serum, that I also apply every day.

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